June 29th COVID-19 Operating Update
First National Bank continues to monitor COVID-19 and follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Governor of Virginia to maintain a safe operating environment. On June 29th, First National Bank began opening our lobbies to walk-in customers following the installation of new safety measures.
Teller windows at all 10 of our branch locations have been equipped with safety shields to minimize contact while customers are conducting transactions. Branch staff offices have also been equipped with desk guards to maximize the safety of our clients and our staff. Lobby floor decals have been placed to help maintain proper distance between those waiting in the lobby, as well as direct the flow of foot traffic to and from the teller line. No more than 10 customers will be admitted to the lobby at a time. Face masks for customers are respectfully encouraged, and hand sanitizer is available at all locations.
We ask that customers not enter the building if they have experienced a fever, cough, or shortness of breath now or in the last 14 days prior to their visit, been living with or caring for a person with COVID-19, or had close contact with anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days prior to their visit. As always, our 9 drive thru locations are available Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 5:30 and Friday 8:30 – 6. Loan documents and new account forms may be signed electronically via DocuSign, from the home or office. Online and mobile banking is available 24/7 to check balances, make transfers, pay loans, and initiate bill pay transactions to pay bills or make person to person payments.
First National Bank will continue to make every effort to ensure the safety of our clients, our employees, and our community. Additional updates will be posted as information comes available.